The Fool: Too Much Time In One Place

The Fool Tarot Card: Is it time to move on?

The Fool in Tarot may show up for you to let you know it is time to move on. Maybe you have spent too much time in one place. Maybe you have overstayed your welcome. It is true that not everybody is meant to be rooted in one place. For some, roots are necessary. To get out of life what they need to get out of life, they need to be in one place. But that is not true of everybody.

Some people have the soul of a Fool, the spirit of a wanderer, an insatiable thirst to see what the world has to offer. For these people, restlessness is a way of life. They need to live a life of few possessions and a passport that has a long way to go before its expiration date. These people will be reminded from time to time that it is time to move on. Time to travel. Time to start something new.

When the Fool card comes up for you, it can easily be reminding you that this is who you are- a natural born Fool whose time to move onto whatever is next has arrived. What are you waiting for? Throw a tube of toothpaste and some clean underwear in your backpack and go.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path…

Knight of Swords: Sometimes People Get To Us

Knight of Swords Tarot Card: Some people simply lack awareness

Sometimes people get to us, and we don’t even know they are getting to us. We may not even realize they are getting to us until we find ourselves reacting to them in ways that take ourselves quite by surprise. We can look at a person whom we respond to this way as a Knight of Swords.

A person with a Knight of Swords kind of personality can be pushy. They may not notice our personal boundaries and how they are pushing them. They probably mean no harm; they simply lack awareness of the space we need and the peace we are trying to hold onto. As they try to relate to us, they may push a little too hard to get into our zone of awareness and acceptance. It feel like they are jabbing their swords into the various lobes of our brain causing discomfort and discombobulation. We may react to this discomfort and discombobulation, even thought they have not realized they caused it. Now they feel hurt and confused and we feel guilty.

We must train ourselves not to feel guilty. We have a right to our personal space and boundaries. Try to come to an understanding with these Knight of Swords personalities and do your best to create space between you and them. If all the things you do when you react to them bothers them, then maybe it is best to avoid them because will they ever understand how they are affecting you. No harm may be intended, but plenty of discomfort is achieved. We can’t always control how we affect one another, but we can control our reactions. The Knight of Swords tarot card is a reminder of this.

— Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment..

Master Tarot

The Sun: Stay On Track

The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun Tarot Card: Follow your bliss

The Sun tarot card represents our direction in life. As we orbit the sun, we stay on track with our purpose and what life is truly about. When we are on track, life tends to move fluidly and with fewer difficulties. What difficulties do arise, we will recognize them as necessary for our enlightenment.

The sun represents our joys and our bliss. As long as we follow these things, all other things in our life fall into place. We are the most happy when we are doing the things that are aligned with our highest purpose in life, so as long we feel good, we know that we are on the right track towards our enlightenment. If what you are doing feels terrible and gives you a bad feeling in your gut, then chances are it is not in your highest and best good.

Learn to let your feelings guide you as you make decisions about what you are doing and what you should be doing.  The sun tarot card reminds us to follow our bliss.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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Master Tarot…


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