The High Priestess of Tarot: That Voice in your Head

The High Priestess Tarot Card: Can you hear her voice?

The Voyager Tarot Priestess card
The Voyager Tarot Priestess card

Consider the High Priestess as that voice in your head. Consider her a being whispering in your ear. To listen or to not listen is completely up to you. To listen is to be granted wisdom that will serve you well. To not listen is to deprive yourself of something that will benefit you greatly.

The High Priestess has the unique end enviable ability to be far-seeing and wide-seeing. She can see beyond what is mundane of a situation that an average and person will fixate on. She will see the situation and the concern holistically, seeing both the pettiness and the importance of whatever is going on.

Fool's Path Tarot Priestess
Fool’s Path Tarot Priestess

Where others stop seeing, the High Priestess is only just starting to see. She has no concern for the ego and operates completely outside of the paradigm that the ego creates. The ego builds too many walls, and the High Priestess has no use for such things.

The ego sets limits, but the High Priestess is limitless. The High Priestess may tell you things that you do not want to hear, but that does not mean you don’t need to hear it. Listen to the voice of the High Priestess. She will always tell you what you need to hear. Quiet your ego so she does not have to scream to be heard. She will speak no matter what.

Can you hear her? Will you listen to what she says? She does not care one way or the other what you want to hear. Her job is to tell you what is pertinent and what is necessary.

Listen to the High Priestess.

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7 of Wands: Obstacles of Memories

7 of wands tarot card

7 of Wands Tarot Card: Second Chances

A big obstacle that we often face is our own memories. We remember a complication or a negative outcome to something we once tried to do, and assume it will be the same if we try again. So we resist trying again. Our mind is already made up as to what the outcome will be. The trick is to convince our self that this new occurrence of the situation is a second chance. Consider what went wrong, or what you didn’t do right, and do it a different way. Visualize a positive outcome. Imagine what went wrong, and see it going right this time. In this way, you dissolve the obstacles in front of you and make your way past them as if they were never there to begin with. Keep this in mind as you encounter obstacles in your path today. Ask yourself- what is an obstacle but an opportunity to innovate and find a new way to do something?

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment…
Become a Master of Tarot…

222new cover - fools path copy tarot mastery audio copy

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