8 of Swords: It’s All in your Mind

8 of Speculation- Fool's Path Tarot

8 of Speculation- Fool’s Path Tarot

8 of Swords Tarot Card: Feeling stuck is a mindset

Feeling stuck? Feeling stagnant? Feeling like you can’t move forward? Feeling like you’ve done all you can do, and there is just nothing more to do in whatever the particular situation may be? It’s normal. We all feel that way sometimes. Probably though, this feeling is not intrinsic to anything actual. Chances are, you absolutely can move forward, but just don’t see that.

It is a mindset that got you to where you are where you feel this way, so to get past this block and move forward, change your mindset. Instead of a mindset of, “I can’t go forward,” change it to, “There is a way to move forward and I need to just see it.”  Now you are not being a defeatist.  Now you are being positive, and with a positive attitude, things tend to happen much more easily. So, whatever it is that has you feeling stuck, realize that it is all in your head. Realize that the road ahead is open. Realize that the problems are behind you.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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3 of Cups: Celebrate Anything. Just Celebrate.

3 emotions copy

3 of Cups Tarot Card: Find something to celebrate- anything

If there is nothing obvious to celebrate today, then celebrate something that is not obvious. What difference does it make? Sometimes it’s nice just to celebrate. Celebrate whatever. Celebrate that you are alive. Celebrate that you have wifi that works. Celebrate the meal you just cooked. Just celebrate. Celebrating reminds us what is good and fun about life, and that life should be that way- good and fun. Celebrate with family or with friends, or maybe just celebrate by yourself. It’s all good. Just let yourself feel good about life.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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