The Hermit Tarot Card- Fools Path Tarot by Jim Larsen

The Hermit Tarot Card: Find The Silence

Answers to life’s most pressing mysteries are found in undisturbed silence. To find these answers, it is advantageous to become hermit. It can be that this silence can be disturbed by the chatter in one’s very own mind. Mind chatter can be deafening. It is imperative that one gets through the mind chatter to hear the important and useful voices. To do this, sit in meditation long enough for the chatter to die down and only the useful voices remain.

The useful voices will be patient and wait for the chaos to subside so they can be heard. It is up to the individual, however, to make the effort to sit still and sit quietly to allow this point to be reached. Once it is reached, the keys to enlightenment are found. -Jim Larsen

The Hermit: Explore Your Inner Landscape

Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit Tarot Card: The Freedom of Solitude

The Hermit can be literal. It can mean a need or desire to be by one’s self. There is freedom in solitude. There is a sense of liberation in not needing to impress or live up to the standards of anybody else. There is a necessity of having your own space where you can do what you want and what you need without anybody questioning you, criticizing you, making demands of you being in your way or treating you like you are in their way. The Hermit can denote a much-needed sense of peace that will not be disturbed by others. Honor the needs of your inner Hermit. You will be healthier for doing so, and infinitely wiser for the opportunity to explore your inner landscape without disturbances. —Jim Larsen

The Hermit: Avoiding The Norms of Society?

Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit Tarot Card: Lead the Way Out of the Darkness

A Hermit amasses profound wisdom because he walks alone. Because he sneaks away from the conventions and the norms of society in which he lies, he is privy to knowledge and wisdom that simply elude the others. While the others are plugged into the latest trends and the programming that is fed to them via media sources and brainwashing agents, the Hermit is in a void filled with intrinsic truths about what it is to be. The Hermit has little concerns for the programmed media messages. Because the Hermit is amassing so much intrinsic wisdom, of course he will attract followers. The Hermit will lead others out of darkness to the light. The Hermit can offer others a glimpse to others of who they can be, who they already are if they will only just accept this and not shy away from it and push the possibility of it away.

The Hermit sets the example of what you can be when you are not concerned with being “someone.” What is your real and intrinsic truth? Blow up your TV and find out. Listen to the music that truly feels good to you, and not just what is currently being pushed by media sources. Of course others will respond to this wisdom and want to follow. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

The Hermit: Know Your Authenticity

The Hermit Tarot Card- Fools Path Tarot by Jim Larsen

The Hermit Tarot Card: Don’t worry about a thing

How do you know who you really are when you are in the crowd? When you are in the crowd, you know who you are within the context of the crowd, but do you really know who you are? In the crowd, you are under the influence of the crowd. You, whether you realize it or not, are conforming to the crowd. Some of this is obvious, having to follow the rules and the laws and all that. You also have to act civil and probably, you are trying to fit in and not stand out too much for wrong reasons.

How can you truly be authentic when you are focused on what people think of you? To discover your true authenticity, forget the crowd. Don’t worry what everybody else is doing. Don’t worry about what everybody else is preoccupied with. If everybody is watching Game of Thrones, or whatever, but you honestly have no interest in it, don’t worry about it. Watch whatever you want. Or nothing at all.

Maybe everybody is into watching a TV show, but you’d rather read a book. So read a book. The temptation may be to watch the show everybody is watching just to fit in, but why? What difference does it honestly make anyway? Do whatever you want. Listen to any kind of music you discover that you find you enjoy. It may not be what everybody else, or anybody else for that matter, is listening to, but that’s their loss. Let them consume what the media is dishing out, it doesn’t mean you have to. Be true to your own interests, desires, heart.

Be a Hermit. Let others figure you out if they are so inclined to. If they are not, well, who cares about them anyway? You have your own thing going on in life. Be a Hermit. A Hermit finds his or her own path. —Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

The Hermit: Your Embedded Wisdom

The Fools Path Tarot Hermit card by Jim Larsen

The Hermit Tarot Card: How to access your inner wisdom

You have a tremendous amount of wisdom embedded in you. It has been there for countless generations of lifetimes. It has been whispered and spoken to you by numerous spiritual sources. You are wise beyond measure. All that wisdom- it’s in you. The trick is to access it. The trick is to hear it and to recognize it. The trick is to not dismiss it as superficial fluff when you discover it.

To access it and to hear it, you must open yourself to it. This is hard to do when you are constantly confronted with daily worries and concerns. It helps to hear it and to appreciate it when you are not concerned with what everybody else is concerned with and what they want you to be concerned with. Get away from these daily concerns by finding quiet time. Find meditation time. Do yoga. Do whatever it takes to get out of your head and away from society’s expectations of you.

When you are not concerned with what society wants from you, you are within yourself where you can hear the authentic voices of your own wisdom. You will find that these voices have your best interest at heart and will benefit you greatly with the wisdom they offer. Once you have this wisdom, you can utilize it to live the best life you can be living. Find ways to hear these voices and feel the impulses of your intrinsic wisdom and be amazed at the positive changes come about in your life. You will become the person you were always meant to be. This is the Hermit within you. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

The Hermit: Your Power Is Universal

The Hermit Tarot Card: Tap into your inner wisdom

Today, endeavor to be a Hermit, as far as activating your inner tarot archetypes go.  There is so much creativity, wisdom, and esoteric knowledge stored within you. To access them is to have the power of the universe, for where did all this that is stored come from? This is universal. Your cells are the keepers of it. To tap into and to utilize this power is to augment your own life, as well as those you share it directly with, and to those to whom it ripples.

How do you do this? The best way is with a quiet mind. You can’t always quiet your mind when you are in a crowd or trying to please somebody and/or live up to the standards and expectations they have of you. It is best to get away from the crowd when you wish to tap into inner wisdom. Get to a place where you don’t have to be what others expect you to be. Be at a place where all you have to focus on is yourself.

This is an opening to a clear mind and an entry way to your inner voices. Listen to them. Hear them. See what they have to say. Share this with the world, if appropriate. These voices are the Hermit of tarot within you sharing with you what you need shared with you.

— Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do WIth It?

Master Tarot…

A True Hermit is Nobody’s Demographic

The Hermit Tarot Card: True Authenticity

In consideration of tarot, a true hermit is nobody’s demographic. This is a person who is completely comfortable living outside of the media’s influence. Think about it. When you are not told what to like, what to think, what to eat, what to drink, how you should look, what you should wear, what you should listen to, what you should watch, then who do you become? When you are not consumed with the thought forms of mass media and the marketing strategies of business men, who are you? Who is the authentic person beneath it all? Can you define your spirit? Can you identify your spark? Just how much of whom you are is determined by the marketers?

It can be disappointing being in a society that is obsessed with conformity, when you yourself are focused on authenticity. Society says do this. Society says get married. Have children. Make sure you go to a bar and get drunk frequently. Watch football on TV. Watch basketball. Care about who wins the World Series. Feel a sense of emotional investment in who wins the Super Bowl or wins an Oscar. Have you had a McRib lately? The powers that be at McDonalds would really like you to, and will hound you until you do.

You’re a “normal” member of society, right? You bought the newest IPad, yes? You have followed the media’s conditioning and know you absolutely cannot live without one, haven’t you?

These are the thing you are “supposed” to do. Society wants you to buy its beer and get drunk. Numb your mind. Don’t ask questions. Accept unconditionally everything that is thrown your way. Have a Coke and a smile. Don’t try too hard to have a real conversation. It’s easier and more satisfying to rely on small talk. Simply repeat buzzwords. “What are you doing this weekend?” Does it really matter? Do you really care? Empty puffs of air. Senseless excretion of energy.

Save your words until they add up to something substantial. Keep it sincere. Just say “Hello.” Say it with sincerity from the heart that indicates you truly appreciate seeing the person you are saying it to. Aim for sincerity of words over quantity. This is important. Keep it in mind. Small talk is the clip art of conversation. Are you content to follow the programming set forth by those long forgotten? Small talk is nothing more than a program to be followed. It has limited value, if any at all. Break free of this innocuous time waster.

Strive for authenticity. Be a true hermit. Meditate. Go within. Who are you really when you are not following the programs that society creates? What are you really craving? Is it a McRib? Or is it tilapia? If you’re craving tilapia, pay no heed to the last McDonalds commercial you saw, and find yourself a fish restaurant. It really is that simple. Authenticity has become a lost art in the age of media influence. Be part of the renaissance that brings it back to the mainstream.

Turn off your TV. Turn off your radio. Ignore those popup ads on the internet. Don’t be told what to do, what to think, or what you can’t live without. You already know the real answers to these questions. The answers you find within are way more meaningful than what a marketer will provide for you. This is what it means to be a true hermit.

When the hermit card comes up for you in a reading, consider your authenticity. Are you marching to the beat of your own drummer, or are you simply a lemming following somebody else’s interests, allowing them to profit from your indecision? Be authentic. Be real. Be true to yourself. Embrace the hermit quality you possess and be your own demographic.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

Master Tarot

The Hermit: Quiet Security

The Hermit Tarot Card: How to be a model of self-confidence

The Hermit card of Tarot may ask you if the words you are about to speak necessarily need to be spoken. So many people would seem so much smarter if they simply didn’t talk so much. A quiet, secure person who feels not the need to vocalize everything that pops into their head will present themselves as intelligent. It is those who speak each and every mundane thing that pops into their head that that so often come across as having questionable intelligence.

So, to create the perception of intelligence, endeavor to keep your thoughts to yourself. Simply do not talk too much. A quiet, secure person will be thought of as a genius, whether they are one or not. Consider the Hermit of tarot to be a model of self confidence and quiet security.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment….

Master Tarot…

The Hermit: Drop Out. Do Your Own Thing

Take time for yourself- The Fool's Path Tarot Hermit card
Take time for yourself- The Fool’s Path Tarot Hermit card

The Hermit Tarot Card: Paddle your own canoe

Drop out of society. Society is boring anyway.  Paddle your own canoe. Go where you want to go. Group think roots you into the group. What’s the point of that? Instead of living life by committee, look inside of your self and find the bits and pieces that add up to what you really want and really need. In society, you’re expected to to please people and be what they want you to be. But that is ridiculous. Live your own life. Do your own thing, and those of a like mind will catch up to you. As a hermit, you lead the way without looking in the rear view mirror. Be the leader, but do it quietly.

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

The Hermit: Getting Away From People


Take time for yourself- The Fool's Path Tarot Hermit card
Take time for yourself- The Fool’s Path Tarot Hermit card

The Hermit: Alone Time

The Hermit tarot card says, in day to day life sometimes, we have no choice to be around lots of other people. This isn’t always such a good thing. All these people are putting out energy. If you are a sensitive person, guess what? You are absorbing all that energy. How does it all make you feel? Not always a good feeling, is it? Sometimes you have to take time to detox from all that energy. To do that, yo need time away from the world. So take that time today. You deserve the opportunity. This is the message of the Hermit for today.

–Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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