Tarot Combinations: The Emperor and King of Cups

Leading with Empathy

This is a leader who is able to lead from a place of empathy for those they leads. This is somebody who worked their way up from the bottom and has earned their leadership role through many difficult experiences, trials and tribulations. This is somebody who has not forgotten what it means to struggle and endure hardships. They know what life is like for those they lead and will do their best to lead with understanding and compassion. This is a leader who knows that sometimes difficult decisions will have to be made, and that sometimes these decisions will not be popular or easy for all involved to handle. With this understanding, they will do what they can do to make the decisions with the utmost concern and understanding for those involved. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

The Emperor: Don’t be Swayed

The Emperor Tarot Card

The Emperor Tarot Card: Stand your ground

Be like the Emperor of tarot. Stand your ground and do not be swayed against what you know to be right. Others may try to undermine you and rob you of your confidence. Don’t let them. You know your strength and your power. You know when you are right. You know what the rules and the laws are. So stand firm. Sink your roots in and don’t be bowled over. Be firm as you enforce the rules and lay down the law. Don’t put up with others who try to keep you down. You know what’s best. You know what’s right. Be a beacon of it. Stand your ground in the face of adversity. Do what the Emperor would do. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

The Emperor Tarot Card: A Father Figure

The Emperor Tarot Card: A Role Model

When considering the Emperor tarot card, think of somebody who is an authority figure, a rule maker. This is a quality of this card, no doubt. At the same time though, think beyond the concept that this card represents an authority figure and rule maker. Yes, this card does conjure images of power. This is most certainly somebody who is in charge and in control of a situation. It brings to mind a person who is looked up to and respected. It is easy to think of this card as being about the person in charge. But there is more to it than that. Being in charge can mean more than mere authority. Dig deeper in your thoughts of this card. See it as more than these things. See it not just as a power-figure, but as somebody who genuinely cares. This can be somebody who is in a position to use his/her power to genuinely and positively affect another person’s life.

Think about the fatherly qualities of the emperor. What brings out the quality of nurturing in you? What are you doing when you feel you are doing the best for another person, somebody who genuinely appreciates and needs you? How do you genuinely enhance the growth and wellbeing of others? What are you doing when you feel you are making the most difference? This is just as important when considering the qualities of a rule maker, boss, or authority figure. The emperor can also be thought of as a father and/or father figure. This is somebody who is looked up to and depended on. This is somebody who is doing his/her best on behalf of those he/she cares about.

When the emperor card comes up for you in a reading, ask yourself in what way you are looked up to? Consider how you are doing your best on the behalf of another’s highest good. Be completely honest with yourself and ponder what more you can do. What more can you do to make another’s life as good as it can be? What wisdom and experience can you share? How can the life you have lived, are living, create security and wellbeing for those you care about? Take stock of those who look up to you, admire you, and depend on you. Take this into consideration and realize that you are a role model. Take this seriously. There are so many simple things you can do to enhance the life of those around you. Let the emperor card remind you of this and inspire you to be a strong role model.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment

Become a Master of Tarot

The Emperor: Standing Strong

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The Emperor Tarot Card: Be a pillar of strength

To lead effectively, one must be grounded. A leader cannot be floating off in some other dimension. No, a leader needs to be present for those who count on them to led the way and offer guidance. A leader needs to have firm standing on the ground so that they are not easily swayed by forces that do not serve the needs of the entire community or group that they are the leader of. With this in mind, take note of who follows you.

Take note of those who count on you and depend on you to be a pillar of strength. Let your roots sink into the earth so you lead with authority. As a leader, bend without breaking. Bend to meet the needs of the people, but only when they truly do meet the needs of the people. Don’t allow yourself to bend until you break. This will serve no one.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment

Become a Master of Tarot

The Emperor: Holding the Vision

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The Emperor: Stay true to your power

The Emperor is the one in charge. He holds the vision for others and guides them towards its actualization. While the Emperor is the one that others go to for guidance and support, he is open to the ideas, viewpoints, and input from others that support the whole. A true Emperor though will want to stay focused and not put up with bullshit from others. Today, be a true Emperor.

Stay true to your power, help others appreciate the powers that they themselves posses, but don’t put up with any unwanted ridiculousness from anybody. When you are trying to stay focused on a goal, it can be a challenge to have to listen to silly unimportant things from people who only want to take your energy. Don’t put up with it. Set solid boundaries and insist that they are respected and maintained.

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment…

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