The Devil Tarot Card: Past the Darkness to the Light

The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil as pain we don’t want to experience again

The Devil tarot card may represent a question you are simply afraid to seek an answer to. Perhaps this is an issue you have experienced before and it was painful to you. You are now faced with a similar situation where you fear it may go in the direction of pain again, but at the same time, it could easily go in the direction of positivity and happiness.

Looking at this situation, you are conditioned to expect the negative outcome. This is fear and worry. It is not a dark shadow void of light. This is a shadow in its last seconds of darkness before the light overtakes it. Instead of fearfully retreating from it, barrel through it. Let it surprise you. By retreating you deny yourself the opportunity to prosper from the positive outcome. By facing this fear you get through the shadow.

Never stay stuck in darkness

When faced with the fear that a situation will go in a negative direction, visualize the light. Instead of letting the fear slow you down, let the optimism of the light propel you. Use the light as fuel to drive you.

In this way you will succeed. In this way, you will excel.

By accepting fear, you will always stay stuck and stagnate. In life, we are meant to move forward. Always move towards the light. Never stay stuck in the darkness, the shadow. Don’t let fear rule you. Don’t let fear dictate your growth. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Tarot Combinations: 8 of Cups and The Devil

The Shadows of the Past No Longer Serve You

Put the shadows behind you. Walk away from them. It no longer serves you to dwell on the past. Forgive yourself for everything you feel you have done wrong, that you could have done differently or for what you should have done. All of that is in the past and you cannot go back to it. Forgive yourself and live in the light, not the shadows. Accept that things are as they are, and this is how they are meant to be. When you do this, new vistas open ahead of you and any guilt from the past cannot stop you from exploring them. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

The Devil: You Got The Devil in You

The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil Tarot Card: Remove the Blocks to your Personal Enlightenment

The Devil exists inside of you. He is not a force acting on you from the outside. The Devil manifests as those feelings of inferiority that keep you down. He is those feelings of doubt and guilt that have no foundation, yet exert such strong control. He is that voice in your head that tells you oh so convincingly that you are not good enough, not worthy enough, and not deserving of the things that mean the most to you.

The Devil is a personal thing. He will find your individual weaknesses and notions of inferiority and exploit them for maximum damage. His prescience does not allow you to live a full, content life. To live fully, you must defeat him. You must push past him. When he speaks to you in his attempts to bring you down, keep you in your place, instill doubt and unnecessary worry, see it for exactly what it is- blocks to your own personal fulfilment and enlightenment.

When he tells you that you cannot do this or that, or are not good enough for this or that, or are unworthy of anything that will bring you joy, say to him, ‘Shut up, Devil!” Be aware of your own power and worth and prove them to yourself by not adhering to the Devil’s mandates that you do not. After all, it is your life, not his. You live it, not him. You know what you need and what is best for you, not him. You know who you are and what you are capable of. Don’t let the Devil inside of you minimize that. — Jim Larsen

The Devil: Where are those botherations coming from?

The Devil Tarot Card: Address Your Pain

The Devil tarot card can remind you to address whatever it is that is bothering you. Whatever this may be, don’t just push it away with the thought that it will disappear, because it will not. It may slip beneath the surface and remain in hiding, but that does not mean it is gone. No, it has only slipped into a shadow and it still takes up space. You will still feel it. It will still resonate. It will still affect you. It may become buried, which is unfortunate.

With it buried, its effects will be mysterious. You will wonder where bothersome feelings are coming from, requiring you to dig for them when you truly decide to be free of them. So, when something is bothering you, examine it right away. Address what it is that you find uncomfortable about it and come to terms with it. This will keep it in the light, and while in the light, you can heal yourself of it. — Jim Larsen

The Devil: Phantom Critics Screaming

The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil Tarot Card: Quiet your Phantom Critics

Your inner Devil will speak to you as Phantom Critics screaming in your head, making sure you stay in your place. These voices urge you to stay where you are, to not move forward. They want you to believe what you are capable of, and more importantly, what you are not capable of. They remind you of problems and failures from the past and convince you that you will experience them again if you try to forge ahead with new endeavors. These Phantom critics let you know that attempts to be more than you are will only be futile so there is really no reason to try.

Those who achieve success in the world, though, are adept at tuning these phantom critics out, and even shutting them up entirely. So, stay focused on what it is that you want to achieve, and don’t be distracted by their voices. These Phantom Critics are experts at mimicry. They may sound like just about anything or anybody. They may speak to you in your own voice, or maybe in the voice of somebody from your past. It may be in the voice of somebody you know right now. Any voice from within that tells you what you cannot achieve is not to believed. Accept them as the Phantom Critics and the Devil that they are, and prove them wrong by achieving all you can achieve. — Jim Larsen

The Devil: What’s Keeping You In Chains?

The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil Tarot Card: Unchain Yourself

In the traditional depiction of the Devil in tarot, we see him as a negative force keeping us in place, not letting us move beyond it, staying stuck in a bad situation. This can be an addiction, perhaps. We see the two figures chained to this addiction. The figures, however, are not chained tightly. They can make the conscious decision at any time to remove these chains, so why don’t they? Fear, perhaps. Perhaps they believe that this thing that has them in chains is far more powerful than they are.

Perhaps they are so ingrained in the paradigm of the addiction or whatever this figure represents to them, that they cannot see in their mind’s eye any other possibilities but to live with it. What will instigate an awareness that there is a choice? What will open their eyes to the reality that they do not have to settle for this? Once they do open their eyes, they will see that the chains are loose. They can get out of it anytime they choose, and then find their way out of the darkness of this cave they are in.
— Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

The Devil: Fear Attracts More Fear


The Devil Tarot Card: Stand Your Guard Against Fear

The Devil card in tarot can easily represent fear. This fear serves as a block that prevents us from achieving our greatest potential. Much of this fear is rooted in the past. Fear generated from past events and traumas can have a debilitating effect on a person’s life. To live fully, one must get past these fears.

How does one get past fear generated in the past? For starters, when feeling triggered by this fear in the present, stand your ground against it. Don’t let it make you back down. Don’t let it make you back away. Remind yourself that this is an irrational response to something from your past. Remind yourself that whatever unpleasant and negative outcome from the past need not be repeated. Remind yourself this is a new day and a new age and you need not relive the same scenario from the past.

In terms of the Law of Attraction, fear can be an attractor. When you are feeling fear, you attract the outcome of the event from the past. You are so sure that it will turn out this time as it did before that you actualize it this way. Your fear creates the outcome you most dread. How to get past this and not let it happen? Stand your ground against it. Follow the shadow back to the light.

This fear is a block. Like all blocks, get past them to live fully and live as an enlightened being. Meditate if you can, on the event that created the fear, and rewrite it. How would you have rather this event turned out? What could have happened differently to create a better outcome for your life? When you are able to answer these questions and visualize a new, positive outcome, you beat the Devil. –Jim Larsen

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Pieces of You Tarot

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The Devil: Comfortable With Your Shadows?

The Devil Tarot Card
The Devil Tarot Card- 007 Tarot Deck

The Devil Tarot Card: You don’t have to be perfect all the time

The Devil card may show up in a tarot reading to ask you how comfortable you are with your shadows. Shadows- we all got them, but how many of us know what to do with them? There are many ways to think about our shadows; one is to consider them those impulses that we all get to do something we know we shouldn’t do. These are those things we know we will get in trouble for, if we get caught, and will face the consequences for doing them. But we don’t care. We do it anyway, or at the very least are incredibly tempted to.

To be in control of this side of ourselves, to control the Devil we need to notice and acknowledge these impulses as they arise, and ponder if it is really that big of a deal? Is it really so terrible to live it up a little and have some dark fun? Who ever said we all have to be so perfect all the time? Sometimes doing the wrong thing sparks something in us that reminds us of our humanity. Don’t commit crimes or do such things that will bring harm or injury to others, but little rules here and there? Why not break them once in awhile?

Establish an iota of control where you might not otherwise have any. Make yourself laugh. Create a secret that only you know. Be human. We all have a dark side, just as sure as we all have a light side. If we never delve into our dark side, an imbalance will be the result. Stay balanced in a controlled way. See what your dark side has to offer. Have fun! — Jim Larsen

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Pieces of You Tarot

Devil: Heal The Original Wounds

The Devil Tarot Card
The Devil Tarot Card- 007 Tarot Deck

The Devil Tarot Card: Examine Your Triggers

Today, notice what triggers you, and discern as best you can why exactly this is so. This is one of the lessons of the Devil card of tarot. It is easy to notice when we are triggered, but getting deep into the roots of it to understand why is a tremendous challenge. It goes beyond what makes sense to us deep into some ancient pain or fear. To do this, one must trace the shadow back to the light.

Endeavor to find the original wounding so that you can heal it as best you can. Maybe you cannot find it as best you can heal it as best you can. Maybe you cannot find this original wounding. Maybe it happened when you were too young to remember. Maybe it wasn’t even from this lifetime, but rather some karmic ripple from a lifetime once lived that still reaches you today. If this is the case, go to plan B. Plan B is to imagine yourself, perhaps in the form you are now, or in another form if that makes sense to you, and see what you believe this original attack on yourself may have looked like. See it happening, and step in to stop it. Prevent it from happening.

Send love and healing energy to this version of yourself. Let this version of yourself know that they are safe and okay. Protect this version of yourself. Let them know you won’t let anybody or anything hurt them. Now, a new ripple will go forth through time to the person you are now, and perhaps these things won’t be so potent and hurtful. When you do this, you make the Devil work for you.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment

Master Tarot

The Devil Tarot Card: Heal the Original Wounding

The Devil: Getting to The Root of Triggers

The Devil Tarot Card: Addressing the Original Trigger

Notice what triggers you, and discern why exactly this is so. It is easy to notice when we are triggered, but getting deep into the roots of it to understand why is a tremendous challenge.  But it is doable. It goes beyond what makes sense to us deep into some ancient pain or fear. To figure it out,  you must trace the shadow back to the light. Endeavor to find the original wounding so that you can heal it as best you can. Maybe you cannot find this original wounding. Maybe it happened when you were too young to remember. Maybe it wasn’t even from this lifetime, but rather a karmic ripple from a lifetime once lived that still reaches you today. If this is the case, go to plan B. Plan B is to imagine yourself, perhaps in the form you are now, or in another form if that makes sense to you, and see what you believe this original attack on yourself may have looked like. See it happening, and step in to stop it. Prevent it from happening. Send love and healing energy to this version of yourself. Let this version of yourself know that they are safe and okay. Protect this version of yourself. Let them know you won’t let anybody or anything hurt them. Now, a new ripple will go forth through time to the person you are now, and perhaps these things won’t be so potent and hurtful.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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