5 of Swords: Did you get what you wanted?

5 of Swords Tarot Card

5 of Swords Tarot Card: Asking if it was Worth It

What does the 5 of Swords tarot card mean? For one, it may be asking you some questions. It may be asking you to consider certain actions in your life and to reflect deeply on them.

Ask yourself: “Was is worth it?” You got what you wanted, but you threw potential allies and friends under the bus to get it. You showed no compassion or empathy, and you didn’t even bother to consider how this other person would feel about it. You were unwilling to discuss the situation or take into account other people’s viewpoints. You just threw these people under the bus to be hurt. And they are hurting.

Does this mean anything to you? Do you care? Did you notice? Was it worth it? How do you feel about all that now? Have you learned anything from it? Will you take these lessons and practice being a better person? In times like that, let the 5 of Swords be a catalyst for self improvement. –– Jim Larsen

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Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

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Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

5 of Swords: Forgive Yourself

5 of Swords Tarot Card

5 of Swords Tarot Cards: Letting Go of Grudges

What is the 5 of Swords tarot card all about? Among other things, it is about the relief you feel when you finally let go of a grudge or of anger. It is that sense of relief you get when you decide that so much of what you have been obsessed with just doesn’t matter. It is to let go of what is too much extra on your mind so that you are free of the unnecessary weight you have been hanging onto in the form of attitudes, anger, grudges, and the need to be right. It is to realize that life will be better once you let all that crap go.

Letting that go is the initiation of a healing process. It is the shedding of weight and to grant an amnesty of forgiveness. There does not need to be a sense of winners or losers here. There is only a sense of all this we have been holding onto just doesn’t matter. This is to admit that your viewpoints don’t need to invalidate another’s. This is to call a truce. and to have your eyes opened. The 5 of Swords tarot card is about getting over it and moving on. — Jim Larsen

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What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

5 of Swords: Was It Worth It?

5 of Swords Tarot Card

5 of Swords Tarot Card: You won, but did you really?

Look at these people in the 5 of Swords tarot card. Not a single one of them wants to have anything to do with any of the others. What is going on here? The guy in the background looks like he’s tending to a wound or something. And look at the guy with his back to us. He seems to be saying, “Screw you guys, I’m outa here.” And finally there is that guy up front. How did he end up with three swords, while the others have zero?

If the the 5 of swords tarot represents the end of a battle, it is a good bet that dude in the front won. But did he really win? He may have won the primary objective of the fight, whatever that was, but what was the cost of the victory? How many people did he throw under the bus to get his way? What friendships and relationships did he sacrifice just so he could get what he wanted. At some point, will he ask if it was worth it?

“Was it worth it?” is a primary aspect of the 5 of Swords tarot card. Sure, you may get what you want, but how worth it was it to upset others to do so? Can you and should you really be proud of your victory? Consider what the 5 of Swords has to say to you when faced with the temptation to get your way through unethical means. Think about what you will lose in the process. Is it worth it to you?
— Jim Larsen

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Double of Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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5 of Swords: Dealing With Your Struggles

5 of swords tarot card

5 of Swords Tarot Card: Can you live with yourself?

What have your struggles been lately? How have you dealt with them? Are they past? Did you win the battle against them? What is the sense you have now that they are behind you? Relief? Indifference? Time to rest and recuperate? The piece of you that looking for these answers in the Five of Swords. The 5 of Swords within you is glad the struggle is over, but at the same time, it is asking if the battle was worth the victory. Do you feel as though you won this battle fair and square, or did you have to resort to cheating and deception to get your way? Now that it is over, can you live with yourself?

The 5 of Swords is a reminder to stay ethical in your dealings, even when it is easier and more advantageous to be unethical. Even if by way of deception you win, did you really win? Is it truly a victory if it is stolen? To feel good about your victories, win them by way of skill and strategy. This way, you will feel good about your accomplishments. — Jim Larsen

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5 of Swords: What of Yourself You Don’t Like

5 of Swords Tarot Card: When we show our ugly side

Moments can get heated. There can be so much going on all at once that you don’t have a chance to rationally consider your thoughts, and you lash out, go crazy, yell, and administer discipline that is not fair or just. This happens in moments of chaos when you are overwhelmed and are not able to gather your thoughts and think critically.  In times like these, you may end up hurting somebody who does not deserve to hurt. You may have said harsh things that you didn’t mean. You may have shown a side of yourself that you would rather not be seen, and said things that cannot be taken back.

This is the 5 of Swords within you, and while you may not like this side of yourself, it is a very real side, so it is best to accept it. When you feel it coming on, brace yourself for it. When you feel an argument brewing, breathe deep and calm yourself.

Remind yourself, no need to let this escalate. Whatever is thrown at you, take a moment to consider it before responding to it. When you do this, you are in control of your thoughts and not just reacting to what others are provoking. This is to be strong and to be the better the person. Don’t let the 5 of Swords create havoc and chaos. Stay calm and stay centered. This is to master chaos and to stay civil. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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Guide to Tarot Mastery

5 of Swords: You Can Relax Now

5 of Swords Tarot Card: You don’t have to be so defensive

The 5 of swords tarot card may be telling us that you can relax now. There has been a conflict that has taken so much of your time and energy to deal with, but now, that conflict is over. You can let your guard down. You don’t have to be so defensive. You don’t have to be braced for attack. You can relax your fight or flight instincts, and calm down. This may take a little bit of time. When you have spent time bracing yourself for whatever is coming next, it is easy to get into the mindset of always expecting the worse.

But do your best now to retrain your thinking. Remind yourself, it’s over. Things are better now. You  don’t have to worry so much. It is like having been in a storm that you thought would never end. And then it did. and now you are getting used to the peace again. The 5 of swords is like that. It’s about accepting peace. So ask yourself, what outdated conflicts are you holding onto? Haven’t they ended?

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5 of Swords: Worry and Stress Are Behind You

5 of Swords Tarot Card: Just let it go

The 5 of swords tarot card is telling you today to take a deep breath and let it out. Give yourself a break. Relax your mind. Whatever battles you have been putting yourself through lately are over. Let go of whatever has been troubling you. Whatever worry and stress you have been struggling with is behind you. Allow yourself to accept that. Now is the time to let go of grudges, let go of anger, let go of your ego’s fixation on needing to win and needing to be right. Really take a look at these things. How important is any of that anyway?

When you simply let go of something you have been fixated on, does your world really fall apart? Probably, it does not. You free up the energy you were expending holding onto these things and now it is free for more productive things. So let go so you can reassess the situation, rebound, and realign. You don’t have to feel like a loser just because you don’t feel like you won. Just let it go because it really doesn’t matter anyway. This is the message from the 5 of swords tarot cards for today.

— Jim Larsen

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5 of Swords: Are You Ready to Let It Go?

5 of Swords Tarot Card: After the Conflict

five speculation copy

The 5 of Swords tarot card tells you, a conflict has ended. What was the nature of this conflict? Was it an inner conflict?  Were you beating up yourself over something or other? Were you allowing something to bother you? And now, have you finally realized that it is not worth getting upset or bothered over? Are you ready now to let it go and surrender to the natural flow and not try to force this, whatever it is, and let go of it? Yes? good. Now you can take a deep breath and relax. Don’t worry about it. It was never that important anyway. It is best to be over it.


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Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

5 of swords: Did You Win?

5 of Swords

5 of Swords: Letting Go and Moving On

What was it? An argument? A fight? A lawsuit? Whatever it was, it’s over now, so get over it. Did you feel like you won? Are you worried you lost? Who cares. Start rebuilding using the new paradigm of the resolution as a foundation, no matter which side of “victory” you landed on. Just for today, appreciate the restoration of peace and let go of any grudges that may be keeping it from being perfect. Is peace ever truly perfect if you don’t have a good feeling in your heart from it? Find that good feeling based on the fact that the conflict is over. If it didn’t end as you had hoped, appreciate that you can spend your energy on more productive things now than the propagation of negativity. If it ended in what you deem to be in your favor, don’t gloat about it. Just be glad you your energy isn’t being drained in such a fashion anymore.  Let that be the lesson of the 5 of Speculation tarot card.


Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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