3 of Wands: The Dream Is Arriving

3 of Wands Tarot Card

3 of Wands Tarot Card: Guide Your Dreams

When the 3 of Wands is strong in you, you don’t just look at and dream of distant horizons, you create a plan to get there. The dream of arriving, becomes so strong that the essence of manifestation cannot be denied. The essence of manifestation becomes so strong that it cannot help but to become reality.

So, tap into your 3 of Wands piece of yourself. Use it to guide your dreams. Dream of the lands where you would like to arrive. Dream of it so big that it fills you until you cannot contain it within you and it spills out into reality. This is what it means to dream so big it cannot help become real. This is what it means to dream so big that your ambitions cannot possibly remain a dream. Your dreams will by default become reality. This is what it means to fully activate the 3 of Wands piece of yourself. –Jim Larsen

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3 of Wands: When Does a Dream Begin?

3 of Wands Tarot Card: Act on your dreams

When does a dream begin? You may not be able to pinpoint the exact second, but there is that instant when you realize that there is something in life you want. There is something that you know you can attain. Right off, you may not be able say precisely how you will do it, but you know you can, and you will. This is the moment you glimpse a far off horizon and say, “That is where I’d like to be.” So you set off on the journey there. You don’t necessarily have a map that will guide you other than your instincts, but that is okay. That is enough.

The desire and the determination to get to this distant place of your dreams is all it takes to get you there. You just need to move. You just need to it. You just need to get going. This is how it is with your dreams. You have the impulse that this is a goal you wish to pursue. You see it in your mind’s eye as a destination to reach. You sense what it will feel like to to achieve it, and you begin the process to make it happen. This is the 3 of Wands within you. It urges you to act on your dreams once you know what they are. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Guide to Tarot Mastery

3 of Wands: Time For Changes

3 of Wands Tarot Card: Explore those distant horizons

The 3 of Wands tarot card tells you that if you are bored, if you are restless, if you are anxious for change in your life, then it is up to you to create something new. It is completely possible to do this. It is a big world and there is much to do, see, and experience. Take note of those distant horizons. Why not explore them? It can be literally. You can see what is beyond your normal scope of vision by traveling to them and seeing them and living them first hand.

Or it can be done figuratively. Learn something new. Take a class. Find a new blog to read. Get a library card, and then use it. Fill your awareness with new and different influences. Experience new ideas and new thoughts about the meaning of life. There is a lot out there. The three of Wands tarot card encourages you to get out of your rut and renew yourself.

–Jim Larsen

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3 of Wands: Greener Grass

Fool's Path Tarot 3 of Passions
Fool’s Path Tarot 3 of Passions

3 of Wands Tarot Card: “The grass is always greener on the other side.”

The old expression is “The grass is always greener on the other side.” This gets said to suggest that we don’t appreciate what we have as much as we yearn for something new and different. But what is wrong with wanting something new and different if we are bored with what we have? That desire to know what else there is, and to want to try something different, and to see new lands and arrive at new horizons keeps a fire lit inside of us that fuels our ambitions and keeps us inspired. So do that- dream of distant lands. Make a plan to get there. Try new things. Move

Voyager Tarot 3 of Wands
Voyager Tarot 3 of Wands

to that new house. Maybe it will be better than what you had, maybe it won’t be. What difference does it make? The point is you fulfilled your curiosity. Whatever the results are, now you know. You are that much wiser. Your spirit is that much more fulfilled. You are better off knowing than spending your life wondering what else there is. Make that your goal for today, to have an experience you have been curious about. It can be a big thing, or just a small thing. Maybe it is just trying a new flavor of tea you have been meaning to try. If that’s all it is, so be it. At least now you will have had the experience.

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3 of Wands: What’s Over There?


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3 of Wands Tarot Card: To be Inspired by Distant Shores

The 3 of Wands Tarot Card tells us that from here, we look over there, and we ask, “What’s it like over there?” We dream, we imagine, we ponder, and we wonder, “What am I missing?” Over there, the answer exists. At least in our minds, it is. And sure, there is something to be gained over there. Is it the secret of the universe? Is it the answer to life itself? Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. Maybe it is just a clue.

To stare at and dream of distant shores and distant horizons is to inspire your own growth, for as you dream of far away places, you realize that there is more to achieve, more to see, more to do, more to accomplish, more to experience. We jar ourselves out of complacency and explore what more there is to explore. In so doing, the lessons learned and the experiences had contribute to the over-all make up of who we are. The more variety of influences, the more vibrant we are. So, don’t just dream of yonder shores, venture to them. See what is there.


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Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

3 of Wands: Got the Urge to Ramble? Go.

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3 of Wands Tarot Card: “Ramblin’ Fever”

There is such a thing as “Rambling Fever.” It is a desire for momentum, movement, change. It is the need to not sit still, a need for new scenery and landscapes. It is a strong desire to escape your  current circumstances and see more, do more, be more. Hank Williams sang about this famously in his song, “Ramblin’ Man.”

The 3 of Wands tarot card advises you that you may find yourself experiencing this Ramblin’ Fever. Maybe you have the means to pick and go, and maybe you don’t. If you do, go for it. If you don’t, find something productive to do with this desire. Don’t wallow in it and let it become self-pity. What good has that ever done except to perpetuate itself and drive others crazy? No, don’t do that.  Find something to channel it into.  Let it fuel your creative impulses. Turn that desire for something new into creative energy and imagine what you would be seeing if you could get away to see it. Create art based on this. Create something for the world to appreciate based on your urge to go. Let your desire fuel your passion.


Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

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Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

3 of Wands: Wanderlust Getting to You?


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3 of Wands Tarot Card: Consider doing something different

The 3 of Wands tarot card asks you, are you getting bored? Restless? Wanderlust seeping in and you just want to pack up and go? Do something different? See new scenery? Breath new air? Eat new food? Hear new music? Just do something different to jolt you out of the humdrum of daily routine? Yeah? Well, why don’t you? Try something new. Do something different. Go somewhere you have never been before. Move. Change jobs. Take a vacation.  Pursue a new hobby. Watch a new movie.

The point is, you never have to settle for a rut. If you feel stagnant, do something to shake yourself out of that stagnation. Make your life interesting. It is a big world, and there is lots to do and lots to experience. Make the most of it. Make some excitement for yourself. This is what it means to embrace the 3  of Wands.


Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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