The Highway Oracle

Highway Oracle Book by Jim Larsen

There are signs everywhere. Our highways are full of them. What lessons do they have for you? What wisdom? The Highway Oracle Deck will point you in a whole new and exciting direction.


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

Speed Limit 15 Road Sign

Speed Limit 15
Sometimes you have to go a little slower than you want to. This may frustrate you and cause you to feel impatient. This is just a part of life. It is necessary. Just get through it. You will be able to pick up the pace soon enough. For now though, be content to go at a slower pace. The nice thing about taking a slower pace though is that it gives you a chance to notice things you would not otherwise see going at a fast pace. So enjoy it. Slow down and take it all in.

55 copySpeed Limit 55
Consider this the normal pace. When all is well and the road ahead is open and unobscured, this a normal speed to go. So, consider the road ahead smooth. There is nothing too much in the way that should slow you down. No worries. No fears. Everything is fine. Maybe things are not as fast paced or exciting as you might like, but so what? At least there is nothing to be concerned about.

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Speed Limit 75
The pace is faster than normal. Things are happening quicker than they usually do. Are you ready? There is nothing to slow you down and nothing in your way. Proceed at this accelerated pace. There is no reason not to go for it. You will get what you are working for quickly.

bridge ices road signBridge Ices Before Road
A bridge will take you from one place to another over an otherwise unpassable barrier. Consider this a transition from one situation to another. Sometimes, this transition isn’t smooth. Sometimes it can be downright treacherous. So, take this transition seriously. Be cautious. With care and precaution you will be fine. Be reckless and you may have trouble.

cows road signsWatch for Cows
Cows are hard to miss. When one is on the road, it is obvious. You have to really not be paying attention to not see a cow on the road in front of you. So keep your eyes open. Remain undistracted. See what is right there in front of you. Sometimes the best answer or the most obvious solution is the one right in front of you. Be sure to see it.


crossroads road signCrossroads
There comes those times in life when you have to make a decision. Do you continue straight ahead as you have been going, or do you need to turn back? Do you turn left? Right? You have to make up your mind. You cannot just sit there. You have to do something. Think it over, but don’t think about it too much or you might slow down the people behind you. Once your mind is made up, don’t second guess yourself. Proceed with confidence.

crosswalk road sign

On the road of life, we will inevitably come to intersections where others are on their journey just as you are on yours. Their journey may not be in the same direction as yours. These are times when you must be mindful of others and let them do their thing even it means that you have to stop for a minute or two so that your energy does not bowl them over. It’s no big deal. Let them go by then you can keep on going on your own way.

dead end road signDead End
Ask yourself this one basic question: “What’s the point?” Do you ever feel this way? That what you are doing is pointless? That nothing is going to happen? That in all actuality, you are just wasting your time? Well, you are wasting your time. Stop what you are doing. Get out of this situation. It is a road to nowhere. Get yourself on a better road- one that actually goes somewhere. Don’t you have better things to do than spin your wheels going nowhere?

deer copy

Deer have a way of jumping into the road unexpectedly, so watch out for them. Watch out for anything that may get in your way that you are not expecting. You may be going along, as normal as can be when out of nowhere you are distracted or challenged by something you never saw coming. How you handle these situations is what matters. Don’t let these things derail you or throw you off track. Avoid them as best you can and keep going.

detour copyDetour
It pays to be flexible and adaptable. Sometimes circumstances dictate that you take a different approach. So do it. Take a different approach. Do what you do in a different way. Try something new. Take a different route. In doing so, you will see new things as well old things in a different way.

divided copy

Divided Road
As you go your way down the road of life, you will without a doubt encounter those who are going their own way. Your way and their way may be in completely different directions. You may not agree with them, nor they with you. You will just have to accept them, and they you. Agree to disagree.

divided road copyDivided Road Ends
It is time to come to an agreement. Bring an end to the conflict. See another person’s viewpoint even when it is contrary to yours. Find a resolution. You do not have to make another person wrong just so you can be right. Accept that others have a right to their opinions.


do not enter copyDo Not Enter
This is no concern of yours. Stay out of it. Respect others and leave them alone when they want to be left alone. There is nothing here for you, so just turn around and go the other way. You don’t always have to be a part of other people’s business. Leave well enough alone.

end road work copyEnd Road Work
The road was bumpy for a while. Things were difficult and times were hard. It’s behind you now though. The difficulties of life are clearing up and things are getting easy now. It’s okay to relax. You can breathe a sigh of relief that the tough times are over. From here, the road is smooth. No bumps, at least not any serious ones will slow you down.

exit copy

It is time for a change of scenery and a change of pace. It is time to get off of the road you have been on and do something new. Maybe this is temporary, or maybe this is a permanent change. Whatever the case may be, do something new. The road you have been on has served you well getting you to where you are, but now that you are there, it is time for something new.

falling rock copyFalling Rocks
Sometimes change can happen just like that. Like a rock falling from the sky, your life can be suddenly and unalterably changed. When this happens, what can you do but adjust to the change? Don’t let these changes crush you. Go with the flow and adapt accordingly.

food copy

Food Exit
Don’t forget to nourish yourself. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day affairs of life, doing what we have to do to get by, that you forget to tend to the needs of your body, your spirit, and your mind. Aside from everyday survival, what do you need? What does your spirit crave? Be sure to nurture yourself this way.

hidden copyHidden Road
Be watchful for hidden opportunities. Many opportunities in life come your way by concentrated effort. Not all of them do though. So of them come from out of nowhere. You don’t see them coming until you are right on them. Thinking fast and having quick reflexes are often what it takes to get ahead in the world.

hospital copy

There is an opportunity afoot to heal. Whatever you have been through, whatever it is that is bothering you, now is the time to take care of it. Take this time and this opportunity to focus on you and what you need to feel better. There is no judgment involved, nor is there blame. Whatever you need for you, do it.

keep right copyKeep Right
Among the teachings of Buddha, there is The Eightfold Path. This is a code of conduct that teaches the concept of maintaining right view, right intention, right action, right speech, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right intention, and right concentration. This is a code of ethics emphasizing right conduct. In short, it is a lesson in ethics.

merge copy

Two separate roads converge to become one. This is partnership. It could be a friendship, a business venture, or even a romantic coupling. This is a joining of energy that strengthens both of the individual entities that have become conjoined. You no longer have only yourself to consider, but now you must take into consideration this other being in your life.

no exit copyNo Exit
This is not the time to make big changes. Keep going as you have been going. Keep doing what you have been doing. The road you are on is the road you still need to be on. You are there for a reason, so honor that reason by keeping on as you have been keeping on.

no parking copy

No Parking
Maybe you want to rest. Maybe you to take a break. Maybe you want to stop what you are doing and be done with it. But guess what? You can’t. This is not the time for that, nor is it the place. If you stop now, there could be unfortunate consequences. So don’t do it. Keep going.

no pedestrian copyNo Pedestrians
You are entering into dangerous territory. Stay protected. You are in danger of being run down by others who are not mindful of you and who cannot be bothered by you. By being here, you are at their mercy of others who are too busy with their own concerns to even notice you. Is that what you want? You don’t need to be here.

no u turn copy

No U-Turn
There is better things ahead of you than behind you. Why even look in the rear-view mirror? Keep your focus on what is on the way, not what is back there in the dust. What reason is there to turn back? There is no reason other than nostalgia or remorse. Both of these are products of your mind and will only hold you back. Keep going straight ahead.

one lane bridge copyOne Lane Bridge
Things change. This is inevitable. How though do you transition from one paradigm to the next? What is it that bridges one paradigm to the next one? Whatever it may be, it is time to expect it. A change is on the horizon. Be ready for it.

one way copy

One Way
How have you always done something? Has it always worked for you? If it has, why change? The way you have been doing it is fine. There is no reason to make any changes. What is tried and true is the tried and true for a reason, because it works. There is no reason to reinvent anything right now. Keep doing it as you always have.

radar copyRadar
You are being watched. You are being monitored. You are being witnessed. You may not know it, and you may not feel it, but eyes are upon you. With that in mind, how do you want to be perceived? Be mindful of this and do not do things that you will later regret.

rail road copy

Railroad CrossingShow respect for forces that are greater than you. If you know a tornado is coming, take proper shelter. If you are a weak swimmer, don’t swim in rough ocean currents. If a train is coming, stay out of its way. If you get hurt, maimed, or injured by an entity greater than you because you did not show it the proper respect, whose fault but your own is it?

reduced speed copyReduced Speed Ahead
The paradigm is about to shift, so be ready for it. If you are not ready for it, it will come as a shock. Shift your mental attitude now and get ready for this change. Forewarned is forearmed. You know the change is coming, and you know it will mean a substantial shift in your circumstances, but by talking the time to ready yourself, you can get through it easily.

rest area copy

Rest Area
Take a break. Are you working too hard? Are you thinking too much? Are you not having enough fun in life? Take a break from it. You can get back to it later, but for now, why push yourself? The world won’t end just because you take a rest. You will get back to whatever it is that is keeping you busy soon enough, but for now, take a well-deserved break.

rough road copyRough Road
There is trouble ahead. The road that has been smooth is about to change. You will have to dig in and find some resources within yourself in order to get through it. It won’t be impossible. It won’t kill you. It’s just not what you would consider perfect, and it may not even be what you would consider ideal.

school copy

School Zone
Look for the lesson that the situation you are in has to offer. Everything is a learning experience if you let it be. Allow for the lesson and allow for the growth that the situation has for you and you will experience growth and life lessons that make you a stronger person.

Highway Oracle: share the roadShare the Road
You are not alone on this road. Take other people’s ideas and viewpoints into mind. Just as you seek personal growth in your way, so are others. There is plenty of room for everybody, so there is no reason to feel encroached upon by somebody with a different attitude than you. Show respect and expect respect.

Highway Oracle: slippery

Slippery Road
The road ahead is dangerous, but it is based solely on a temporary set of circumstances. Sometimes it snows, and sometimes it get icy, but these conditions clear up. If you can’t wait out the conditions, proceed with extreme caution. If you can wait out the circumstances, even better.

Highway Oracle: slowSlow
What’s the hurry? Why rush? Take things at a slow pace and enjoy the journey. By rushing , you deprive yourself the opportunity to enjoy the scenery. Why do this? The purpose is not to get to where you are going by any particular time, but rather to absorb all you can from the journey. This won’t happen if you are in a rush.

Highway Oracle: stop

You have done all you can do, so stop. There is nothing left for you to do. Your efforts were good, if you feel successful, congratulate yourself. If you feel that you have not been successful, just know you did the best you could, but it is just not meant to be.

Highway Oracle: tollToll Road
To continue on the road you on will cost you. Are you prepared to pay the price? If yes, continue. If no, get off this road right now. This is nonnegotiable. What will the cost be though? Will it be an emotional toll, a physical toll? A spiritual toll?

Highway Oracle: traffic light

Traffic Light Ahead
When you are going, don’t you like to just keep going until you get to where you are going? Aren’t you happy when you hit all the lights on your journey green? Consider this good luck. A red light is not necessarily bad luck, but when you really want to move, it can feel like it, especially when you have to sit through it for more than one cycle.

Highway Oracle: veer leftVeer Left
You should take a liberal approach to the situation at hand. Be open to new ideas. See things from other viewpoints. Don’t get stuck on the idea that things should remain as they have always been. Be open to and allow for changes. Consider what is best for all involved, and simply your own best interest at this time.

Highway Oracle: veer right

Veer Right
You should take a conservative approach to the situation at hand. Stick to the traditional ideas. What has served you this long will continue to serve you. This is not the time to rock the boat or shake things up. You need to consider your own best interest at this time.

Highway Oracle: yeildYield
Surrender to a higher power. Divine guidance, however you define that, is necessary for the situation at hand. Accept that you cannot do this alone allow for the help of others. If it is not divine powers that you are seeking help from, seek help from those who understand what you are going through. Surrender your ego and accept whatever help you need.


The Highway Oracle Deck         The Highway Oracle Book

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