The Priestess card- Fool’s Path Tarot

The High Priestess Tarot Card: Not all truths are easy to face, but you really need to face them anyway

The High Priestess tarot card of tarot is reminding you that you know. You know, but maybe you just don’t want to admit that you know. Maybe the truth that you know is is not the truth you want to face. But realize this- just because you don’t want to face it, it’s not going to change or go away, so you might as well accept it. It happens like that sometimes, out guts tell us something we don’t want to face because it is too painful. Painful or not though, it is real, so we might as well deal with it head on. The truth cannot be altered or diminished, no matter what that truth represents to you- be it joy, pain, or simple indifference. None of that matters.

What matters is that it will not go away just because we might not like it. We can deny it, we can hide from it, we can even convince our self that it is not real. When we do this, all it will do is fester within an resurface later as an un-dealt with issue in our life where we will have another chance to deal with it then. So why not deal with the truth, whatever it is right now, so we don’t have to deal with it later.

Remember that- the High Priestess tarot card always deals with the absolute truth. She represents pure guidance from the universe. It is unspoiled by the ego and desire. It is just simply real.

–Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment…

Master Tarot…

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