Daily Tarot | 9 of Swords: Vent | 9/28/2017

9 of Swords Tarot Card: How to vent your frustrations in a productive way

The 9 of Swords tarot card hints to us what can happen to us if we don’t vent our frustrations, anger, upsets, and grievances every so often. If we don’t  let these things out a little at a time as they occur, they will build up and we will suffer a break down. What will this break down look like? It may be solitary and alone where we hide away in a room and shun the world as we go through what we need to go through. It may be that we snap at and actually attack others.

It may be that we become very grumpy and simply stop caring about things we once cared deeply about. These things are not productive and they tend to hurt people who don’t deserve to be hurt. It is a natural part of life to be affected by what is going on around us to the point where it builds up in us in detrimental ways. It is beneficial to find ways to purge our spiritual and energetic system of it in small unobtrusive ways. Instead of blowing up, how about channeling it into something creative? A poem, maybe? A short story? Maybe go for a walk or a swim, perhaps work out at the gym. Just do something to shift that energy from negative vindictive into something useful.

When you do this, you are the master of your own soul. You’re not letting negative input chart the course of your day. You are turning the tables and creating a positive outcome. You are not going to be defeated by negativity. You have made friends with your frustrations and angers and mastered the 9 of swords tarot card.

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The World: It May Look Different

The World Tarot Card: The importance of flexibility

The world card of tarot reminds us that the realization of a goal or a dream may not look or feel as we may imagine it will when we first start off in pursuit of a dream. We tell ourselves what we expect from the realization of it. The journey towards this realization can create shifts and changes along the way that alters the original vision of the actualization of the goal. It is a good idea to set a goal with a loose idea of what the actualization of it looks like.

Have a firm idea, yes, of what you want o achieve, but be flexible to incorporate changes and new information. There may actually be a number of alterations to what you finally arrive at. Will you be disappointed if it is not precisely what you first concocted in your mind? Don’t let it be, for as you embark on the journey towards the goal, the goal itself perfects itself beyond what you knew of it at the start.

This is more than just achieving a goal, this is about achieving perfection. You have been through all trials and errors and have figured it out. Now you know. You know from personal experience which is far greater than simple book learning or hearing about it from somebody else’s experience of it. The world means you have arrived. You have it figured out. What was once mysterious is now common knowledge. What once perplexed you, you now fully comprehend. And you achieved this by being flexible. You have conquered the world of tarot.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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5 of Wands: End Complacency

The Fool’s Path Tarot Deck

5 of Wands Tarot Card: Avoid complacency through competition

Without competition, complacency sets in.  The 5 of Wands tarot card reminds us of this. As you do whatever it is you do, it is easy to take it for granted. You are good at it. You do it all the time. You get into your groove and go with the flow of it. You hit your comfort zone within it and probably stay there. You are doing good, you are effective, so why worry about anything? While this is fine, it does not lead to further growth. You may need a spark to get you out of your comfort zone and onto new levels of mastery. Competition gives you that spark.

Competition kicks your ego into gear as you realize you need to be at least as some other person doing what you do if you are going to stay in the game. Competition forces you to improve your skills to gain more and more mastery in your field. Use this impetus towards betterment to do better, more and more, to forge ahead, not just for yourself, but also as an example to others of what can be done.

As you improve your skills, those that see you as competition will strive to be better than you, thus inspiring even more people, even yourself all over again. Let the 5 of wands tarot card remind you of this and inspire you to do better and better and to not stagnate.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment

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Queen of Swords: Help Them

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card: Be an advocate for those without a voice

The Queen of Swords tarot card is advising you today to help out those people who might need a little help being heard and feeling valued. Sometimes to feel empowered, all a person really wants is to be heard. To have a voice. Not everybody feels as though they have a voice, however. Not everybody feels they are being heard, or that they can be heard. Maybe they need an advocate or a spokesperson.

Maybe through an advocate or a spokesperson they will find their voice and their power. So, if you find that you are in a position to empower anybody by giving them a voice, do so. The difference that this can make in somebody’s life can be unprecedented to them. Be an unprecedented force when you can. Tap into your Queen of Swords qualities and help this person be heard. You will make a big difference.

— Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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Master Tarot

10 of Cups: Acceptance

10 of Cups Tarot Card: That wonderful feeling of acceptance

Isn’t it nice when you have a feeling of acceptance?  Don’t you like it when you feel as though you are in the right group of people and the best circumstances to be who you truly are meant to be? This is the feeling that the 10 of cups tarot card conveys.

When you feel accepted, you can relax. You are not worried about fitting in, because you know you fit in. You are not worried about what people thin of you, because you know they think well of you. You know you can be yourself and not worry about creating an image to project, because the person you are is perfectly acceptable and you know this. You don’t have to walk on eggshells because people are comfortable around you, and you around them.

Today is a day to appreciate the people in your life. Be thankful for the people who are always there for you, and the ones who know you are always there for them. These leads to ease in life. It leads to ease without the feeling of being taken for granted or taken from. There is a harmonious balance here. This is what the 10 of cups tarot card has for you today. It has a nice sense of ease and appreciation for what is good in your life, especially the people who make your life as good as it is.

— Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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The High Priestess: You Know

The Priestess card- Fool’s Path Tarot

The High Priestess Tarot Card: Not all truths are easy to face, but you really need to face them anyway

The High Priestess tarot card of tarot is reminding you that you know. You know, but maybe you just don’t want to admit that you know. Maybe the truth that you know is is not the truth you want to face. But realize this- just because you don’t want to face it, it’s not going to change or go away, so you might as well accept it. It happens like that sometimes, out guts tell us something we don’t want to face because it is too painful. Painful or not though, it is real, so we might as well deal with it head on. The truth cannot be altered or diminished, no matter what that truth represents to you- be it joy, pain, or simple indifference. None of that matters.

What matters is that it will not go away just because we might not like it. We can deny it, we can hide from it, we can even convince our self that it is not real. When we do this, all it will do is fester within an resurface later as an un-dealt with issue in our life where we will have another chance to deal with it then. So why not deal with the truth, whatever it is right now, so we don’t have to deal with it later.

Remember that- the High Priestess tarot card always deals with the absolute truth. She represents pure guidance from the universe. It is unspoiled by the ego and desire. It is just simply real.

–Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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The Hermit: Your Power Is Universal

The Hermit Tarot Card: Tap into your inner wisdom

Today, endeavor to be a Hermit, as far as activating your inner tarot archetypes go.  There is so much creativity, wisdom, and esoteric knowledge stored within you. To access them is to have the power of the universe, for where did all this that is stored come from? This is universal. Your cells are the keepers of it. To tap into and to utilize this power is to augment your own life, as well as those you share it directly with, and to those to whom it ripples.

How do you do this? The best way is with a quiet mind. You can’t always quiet your mind when you are in a crowd or trying to please somebody and/or live up to the standards and expectations they have of you. It is best to get away from the crowd when you wish to tap into inner wisdom. Get to a place where you don’t have to be what others expect you to be. Be at a place where all you have to focus on is yourself.

This is an opening to a clear mind and an entry way to your inner voices. Listen to them. Hear them. See what they have to say. Share this with the world, if appropriate. These voices are the Hermit of tarot within you sharing with you what you need shared with you.

— Jim Larsen

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6 of Swords: Let Somebody Else Drive

The 6 of Swords Tarot Card: Accept help

The 6 of Swords tarot card today is telling you to let somebody else drive. Just relax and enjoy the scenery going by. Maybe you will see something you have never seen before. You won’t see it by looking straight out the windshield at the road ahead of you, but you will see it looking elsewhere. So accept some help. Accept the opportunity to let somebody else take on the responsibilities that will keep you from having a new experience and seeing new things. You need to stop thinking, stop worrying, stop doing the things that are adding to the worry and the stress of your life.

Take a vacation. Take a day off from work. Go to town and see a movie. Get out of your rut. Do something different. Let yourself fall apart if you need to. Now you can put yourself back together with the pieces that fit. Accept help in doing this. Listen to other’s advice and opinions, for they see things about yourself that you are too close to see yourself. Let them help you. This is the lesson the 6 of swords has for you today.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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Guide to Tarot Mastery…

10 of Swords: Recovery

10 of Swords Tarot Card: You are not going to get any deader, so nothing left to do but recover

To look at the 10 of swords tarot card is to see a scene of desperation and despair. I mean, look at this guy. He’s been downed. He’s been stabbed. He’s bleeding. There’s a good chance that he is dead. What happened here? Keep in mind that the suit of swords represent our thoughts and the effect our own mind has on us. With that in mind, look at what our own thoughts are capable of doing to us.

Sometimes stress gets to us. Sometimes worry is overwhelming. Sometimes the burden of thinking too much kills us. You don’t always realize you are doing this to yourself until the deed is done and you are dead. The good thing about being dead though, it gives you a chance to recover. Now you can. You’re not going to get any deader. As dead as you are is as dead as you are going to be. It’s not going to get any worse.

Because it is not going to get any worse, you can analyze what exactly happened, what your thoughts did to you, and now you can send healing energy to the wounded parts so you can get back up, shake off the hurt and live again. And when you do this, you are that much stronger. So when you are having 10 of swords moments, keep in mind it is all designed to make you better and stronger.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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Ace of Pentacles: Evolution of Your Fortune

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card: Inspiration + Action = Success

The Ace of Pentacles tarot card today is reminding you that inspiration is all around you and from this inspiration, fortune can evolve. How many times have you heard somebody say, “Wouldn’t it be great if somebody did this…” or “I just had a great idea for….” Or, “I just had a great idea for a a movie….” and then they let it go at that. They have these great ideas but no willingness to follow through.

That is unfortunate for them. A burst of inspiration followed up on by action is what brings great new things to the world, and with the just the right marketing, it can bring to the one who created it, good fortune. Think about that today as inspiration hits you.

Think about the Ace of Pentacles tarot card and realize just how good of a thing this can be, and how good it can be for you to se it actualized. Ideas are great. But when as far as they get is your own head, they do not do the world much good. Remember that.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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