The Hermit: Quiet Security

The Hermit Tarot Card: How to be a model of self-confidence

The Hermit card of Tarot may ask you if the words you are about to speak necessarily need to be spoken. So many people would seem so much smarter if they simply didn’t talk so much. A quiet, secure person who feels not the need to vocalize everything that pops into their head will present themselves as intelligent. It is those who speak each and every mundane thing that pops into their head that that so often come across as having questionable intelligence.

So, to create the perception of intelligence, endeavor to keep your thoughts to yourself. Simply do not talk too much. A quiet, secure person will be thought of as a genius, whether they are one or not. Consider the Hermit of tarot to be a model of self confidence and quiet security.

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Death: Don’t Be Slowed Down

Death Tarot Card: Let go of dead weight

Allow today to be a day of death, as it pertains to tarot. Consider old patterns and old thoughts that you have been living by. Which ones are still valid? Which ones still contribute to your highest and best good? Hold onto those. Now, what about the old patterns and thoughts that have served their purpose but have now expired? Today is the day to let those go. Thank them for the purpose they served when they were valid, but accept that  their validity has since slipped away.

Why hold onto them? They are dead, and they are heavy. Carrying dead weight is one of the things that will slow you down like nothing else. Shake loose this dead weight and begin a new chapter in your life without it. This is truly on of the best favors you can do for yourself. Let this be the lesson of the Death tarot card for you today.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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9 of Pentacles: Enjoy the Harvest

9 of Pentacles Tarot Card: Don’t lose sight of what you are working for

Today, reflect on the 9 of pentacles tarot card and enjoy the harvest. You’ve worked hard. You’ve probably worked harder than you realize you’ve been working. You probably got so used to working hard that working hard is all you know anymore. Through it all, did you lose track of what it is that you are working for? Perhaps you did, but no matter. Today is the day to appreciate what all your efforts were about. Today, take notice of your abundance. How did you achieve this abundance? It was  through your own efforts and diligence. Today, take time to reflect on the 9 of pentacles tarot card and appreciate this.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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The Lovers: Asking, “What is Love?”

The Lovers Tarot Card: Love is the very act of selflessness

As you consider the Lovers card of tarot, ask yourself one of the oldest questions in human history: what is love? Maybe love is a general sense that the world is a better place with this other being in it, and you want to experience the world more and more within the paradigm of this being. In this way, love is attached to “I.”

On the one hand it is the desire for well-being of this other being, but on the other hand, it is a desire for their well-being so that you yourself can feel good knowing that their well-being is guarded. In the purest sense, there really is no selfless act. We may act so that we receive in return from others. In this sense, the actions we perform are about them, but we do want to know that they received a positive benefit from it, and this knowing gives us a good feeling. Therefore, this is our reward- the knowing that they received a positive benefit. In this sense, there are no selfless acts.

So, maybe love is a concern for the well-being of others when you know that all you will receive in return is the knowledge that their life is that much better, and the good feeling that gives you. With this in mind, maybe the best way to show love for others and love for the world is just to do deeds, both grand and small to benefit others and the world with no expectation of anything concrete coming back to you.

By attaching no expectations to what you will get back for your actions, what comes back to you will be pure, perfect, and exactly what you need. What is love? There is no one perfect answer, but the quest for an answer as you meditate on the lovers tarot card can only do good for the world.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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