King of Wands: Power and Creativity

King of Wands

King of Wands Tarot Card: You are influential

You may not always realize it, or maybe sometimes you lose track, but you are very influential. People look up to you. You, in a lot of ways, set the tone and the precedence for others to follow. You probably don’t even try, so it is easy to forget these things. But as a King of Wands, it is simply who you are. Today, pay attention to this. Realize and appreciate just how much  of an influence you are.  You don’t need to do anything special or go out of your way to be this or that, just be aware and appreciate this King of Wands quality about yourself as others admire you for who you are.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Master Tarot

The Empress: You Grow what You Plant

The Empress Tarot Card: What reflects in your mirror?

The Empress archetype of tarot reminds us that what seed we plant is what will grow, and what we project, is what will be returned to us. Consider the words you speak, the actions you take toward another, and your attitude towards others to be hitting a mirror. Whatever you project out will bounce back to you. What then do you want hitting you on reflection? Consider this when you interact with people. Would you rather have heaviness and negativity hitting you or lightness and affirmations?

Keep this in mind when choosing how you will both interact and react. And bear in mind too, your words, actions, and attitudes towards others will no doubt sink into their heart and influence their feelings and their mood, which will no doubt play a role in their interactions with other people. Why not instigate a revolution of positivity? Plant as many seeds of light and harmony in the hearts of others so that they will spread it to others? Is that so hard to do?

When speaking to somebody, why not aim high? Aim to inspire, not to deflate. Negative words have a way of making people shrink, to shrivel up. Their light becomes walled in. They must struggle now to let their light out again. Does it make you feel good knowing you did this to somebody? Imagine how much better you would feel knowing you helped them shine their light? This is one of the things that it means to embody the Empress Archetype of tarot in a positive way.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

Master Tarot…

The Magician: What Do You Believe?

The Magician Tarot Card: As you see yourself is what you are

Consider your embodiment of the Magician Archetype in Tarot. Consider how, as a Magician, you create the reality you live in. You create your reality with your beliefs. This is because what you believe is real to you. If you see yourself as poor, you will be poor. If you see yourself as rich, you will be rich. If you see yourself as healthy, wealthy, wise, competent, incompetent, able, unable, willing, unwilling, anything, this is what you will be. So see yourself as the greatest emanation of yourself, allowing no one to degrade this view. For how you see yourself is what you believe about yourself., and you will become what you believe about yourself. You create your own life. You create your own miracles. You create your own reality. Give it a try. You will be amazed by the results. Be a Magician today. Embody the Magician archetype and marvel at just how powerful you are.

What’s Tarot Got to Do With It…?
Master Tarot… 

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