Tarot Judgment Card: Are you Ready to Move On?

Judgment Tarot Card: Journeys Beyond the Tower

judgmentJudgment card- Are you ready to move on? Are you ready to take that next step? You have traveled far on your path, on your journey. Have you really learned and integrated all the lessons that have been presented to you? Are you past the same patterns that you keep repeating that keep you stuck in the same place? Have you truly amassed the wisdom necessary to take you to the next step of your life? Have you successfully journeyed beyond the tower? If yes, you may proceed. If not, you must go back and repeat some of the learning opportunities. The sooner you learn and integrate these lessons, the sooner you can move on. There are literally hundreds, probably thousands of things on this “to be learned” list. Nobody gets through them all in a single lifetime. Nobody. Conscious awareness that this exists helps to get through it. Can you know everything on this list? No. You figure out some by examining the patterns of your life- what it is you seem to get stuck on and say “Here we go again. Why does this always happen to me?” These are clues. To consciously try to get beyond these things gets you past these things gets you past the Tower Point. Once lessons are learned and integrated, you can move onto new and other aspects of your perfection. Getting past Judgment to the World means that at least this much of yourself has been perfected. These lessons have been learned.

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King of Cups: Pain and Compassion

King of Cups Tarot Card: Turning Compassion into Healing

king-cupsWe may see somebody in pain dealing with some personal issue, and we have compassion for them, recognizing and seeing ourselves reflected in your pain. Because we understand their pain it can easily happen that we are glad that it is not us going through it this time. Our attitude may be, “Good. It’s not just me to go through this. Why should I be the only one? If I can get through it, so can they.” You might even take the attitude, “Why are they taking it so hard? When I went through that, I handled it much better than they are. What’s their problem anyway? They need to just get over it. I did.” It is so very easy to project our standards and attitudes into the pain others are experiencing. Our experience, it seems, makes us experts in what others are going through. We can though, turn this into healing compassion for this person. It is possible to send them healing energy and understanding. Remember the feeling and sensation of feeling healed of this pain. Capture that feeling. Hold it as energy. Infuse this energy with divine love and power. Now visualize that energy going into this other person and filling first their heart center, and then radiating out to the rest of their being until they are filled with the healing energy. As this applies to you today, take into consideration the King of Cups, for doing this activates the power of that archetype within you.

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The Devil Tarot Card: Dealing with Pain

The Devil Tarot Card: Experience your pain, then let it go

The Devil Tarot Card

Sometimes we deal with pain but do not heal it. We leave it where it is and move on. That pain does not simply evaporate. It remains right where you left it as a shadow, as something that always eats away at you, never quite letting you feel completely comfortable. As you move one, you tend to forget that the pain is there, but that pain remembers you. It remembers the circumstances that brought it into being. We cover this pain with layer upon layer of appeasement until it is no longer visible to us. But these layers of appeasement only placates the pain. It does not dissolve it. The pain will still seep through the layers and be absorbed by our psyches. This will add much weight to our spirits, we must remember that the idea is to shed extra weight, to become light that we may ascend into enlightenment. This weight from this pain is counter productive to this devils-playendeavor. When dealing with pain, we must address it as it happens  so that this does not happen. The pain though, that has not been dealt with, the pain that has seeped though to saturate the spirit, here is where we must follow our shadows back to the light. We must project ourselves back to the origin of the pain. We must observe the creation of this pain without judgment, but with compassion and love for ourselves. We must tell ourselves that it is okay to experience this pain. It does not mean holding onto it. Feel this pain, experience this pain, let this pain pass  through you so you can be done with it. When you draw the devil card from your tarot deck, consider this. Consider the pain you are holding onto. Realize that you must let go of it. Experience it, then let it go.

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Page of Cups: Speak Your Heart

Page of Cups Tarot Card: Let your words carry a message

student of emotions copyThere is no reason to hide your sensitivities today. People will see them anyway. Ask for what you need. It’s okay to do that, even if it feels self-indulgent. Speak what is in your heart. It’s okay to do that too. Most people are not mind readers. They probably don’t know what you are thinking or what you want to say or ask for unless you speak up, so do that. Speak up. Your words have meaning. They are not empty puffs of air, no, they have substance. Your words sink into the hearts of others, because you don’t waste your words on empty notions. Your words carry the message of your heart, so don’t be hesitant to use them. In this way, you are a true Page of Cups today.

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10 of Cups: Gather Your Loved Ones

10 of Cups Tarot Card: Celebrate Living

10 emotions copyGather about you those you love and care about. Maybe they are blood kin, maybe they are people you live in a community with. Maybe they are coworkers. You know who they are. Gather them together and celebrate living. These people are a big reason why your life is so good. Appreciate them for that. Show them how much you appreciate them. Celebrate with them. Gather them together, take a collective deep breath and be thankful for the life you are living, and the fellowship you share. This is what the 10 of cups would like of you today.

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The Chariot Tarot Card- Crash the Gates

The Chariot Tarot Card: Don’t let others impose their restrictions on you

The Fool's Path Chariot Card
The Fool’s Path Chariot Card

The power of the chariot is in the freedom and independence that it brings. Not bound by the quirks and rules and idiosyncrasies of others, you can fly by the gatekeepers of your dreams and ambitions to achieve what you yourself want to achieve and what you yourself find important. You are unrestricted. The limits others live by and try to place on you are seen for what they are- arbitrary and pointless. Do the limits others place on you contribute to your overall well-being, or do they keep the status-quo of the person who is imposing them? Crash through the gates. Always. Don’t let the gatekeepers hold you back. Fire up the Chariot and go!

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7 of Wands: The Answer is There

7 of Wands Tarot Card: Giving up would be ridiculous


Does it feel like you have worked so hard and come do far in pursuit of your dreams, but hen you get to a point where you can see the realization of it right in front of you, but you just can’t seem to grab it? Is it like it is on the other side of a fence or a barrier, and just can’t quite get to it? What do you do? You’re not going to give up on it, are you? You better not. That would be ridiculousness. Did you really come this close to it

The Fools Path Tarot 7 of Passions Card

just to walk away from it? No. You didn’t. You cam this close so you could find the way the courage to figure out those last few steps to get what you are working towards. If it means taking a step back to reassess, then step back and reassess. If it means rising above to get a bird’s eye view of the situation, do that. Don’t lose heart and don’t let frustration get to you. That’s the easy way out. Do what you have to do to figure this out. The answer is there. Find it.

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The Devil: Are Your Fears Rational?

The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil Tarot Card: Removing Fear from the Situation

Remove fear from a situation. This fear is a push back that is keeping you from experiencing life to the fullest. What is fear but an anticipation of an attack? Something these fears are rational, while many other times they are not. A phobia is not rational, while the fear of bears or the fear of sharks may very well keep you alive. But the fear of talking to people, for example, will only slow you down in in the realm of social advancement, and overall happiness.

So today, consider your fears. What is it about them that have a hold on you? Are they truly life or death, or they the anticipation of discomfort? Go ahead and be uncomfortable for a little while. Get through it and you will be that much stronger for it.

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The Tower: Illuminating Your True Star

The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower Tarot Card: Building back stronger so our star can shine

Sometimes everything has to fall completely apart in order to see the weaknesses of a situation. This way, you get a better idea of what needs fixing. Sometimes we sense that something just isn’t  right, and maybe we don’t know what it is exactly. We sense it, but we don’t see it. There isn’t much to do in these situations except to let everything fall apart. Let it all explode. Watch it crumble. As it does though, don’t feel helpless. Understand that this needs to happen so you can sort through the pieces and salvage what’s real and what’s important. The rest can be swept away.

Hold onto these salvaged pieces, because this is the true foundation of what is important. What you add to this is what will make the situation strong. This will illuminate your true star quality, or the true star quality of the situation. Appreciate that things need to fall apart sometimes. If not, life becomes a lie. Think of the tower card as the opportunity to examine the intrinsic value of what is there. Appreciate the fact that sometimes things won’t go the way you had hoped for. If everything did, what would you ever learn? When would you ever amass any new strength. Just for today, examine the towers that have fallen in your life to appreciate the lessons they taught.

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The Tarot Magician Innovates

The Magician Tarot Card: Seeing all the possibilities

Voyager Tarot Magician
Voyager Tarot Magician

A Magician in tarot is an innovator. This is somebody who has the unique ability to transcend what is simple and earthly to see the possibilities of what is available and to put elements together in a new way to create a new paradigm altogether.

A magician is acutely tuned into the environment and knows the value of all that is present and can thus identify what is missing.

They can look into the divine realms to create on earth. A magician is always open to inspiration. They look for it in places that others may not. Magicians are the inventors and the artists of the earth. They listen to the voices and feel the impulses, and they respond. They are the doors on the earth through which divinity is received.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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