Queen of Swords: Deliver A Clear Message

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords Tarot Card: Say only what needs to be said

Before speaking today, be sure of exactly what you want to say. Be sure of exactly what you need to say. Don’t let your message get lost in the gobbledygook of needless words. There is such a thing as word pollution.  It is so easy to add so much extra stuff that doesn’t need to be said to any particular message, that the true meaning of your true message gets lost to it all. So, say what you mean. Say what you need to say. Keep the rest unsaid so that those who need to hear what you have to say don’t have to filter out all the extraneous blather. Be concise, be honest, keep it pertinent. This is how to communicate today.

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9 of Wands: Getting Back Up, Stronger

9 of Wands

9 of Wands Tarot Card: Nothing is for nothing in life

Sometimes you have to fall down so you can get back up and stand taller, firmer. Sometimes you have to be injured so you can heal stronger. Sometimes you have to fall behind so you develop speed and agility as you strive to catch up. Sometimes you have to be abandoned so you can figure out where you are and where you want to be. Remember these things as you deal with whatever may seem like a negative or bad situation today. When you do that, you realize that nothing is for nothing in life. Even the things that seem bad in the moment, really are not. They are chances to grow and to learn. Embrace them as such, and it is all good.

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The Tower: Setting Your Soul Free

The Tower Tarot Card
The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower Tarot Card: Let go of it if it doesn’t serve you

The power of the Tower is your ability to watch it all fall, to bid it all farewell without a tear in your eye. There is too much you don’t need stored in the Tower of your soul. There is so much you do not need; so much you could do without. Knock down your towers. Set your soul free. So much trapped energy is in a tower. Nothing is flowing. Nothing is moving. It’s just stuck. Just stagnant. This is destructive. This is overpowering. It is invasive to common sense.

Knock the Tower down. Set that energy to the wind. Watch it blow away. Feel yourself become lighter without the weight of stuck energy bearing down on your shoulders. Do this by examining your life truly. Don’t kid yourself. Don’t lie to yourself. Honestly access what thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs are not serving you. Once you have them, let them go. Just, simply, stop clinging to them. Say goodbye and watch them waft away.

You have to be honest with yourself- that is the most important and probably the most difficult part of the process. If you can manage to do it though, wow! Life gets good. So today, give it a try. Let go of what does not serve your highest good.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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Strength: Develop a Teflon Attitude

Strength Tarot Card

The Strength Tarot Card: Do Your Thing, Do It Well

Do your thing. Do it well. Do it great. Do it better than how anybody else can do it. Of course. Why wouldn’t you? Here’s the thing to watch out for though- there is going to be those people who see you doing your thing, and they are going to be jealous. Maybe not, but it could happen. This jealousy, fueled by feelings of inadequacies, or perhaps a general sense of “Why is this person so happy doing their thing, when I don’t have any happiness in what I am doing?” And then what happens? These people of low-vibration take it upon themselves to try to knock you down a few notches and make you feel bad about something or other.

Rather than let you feel good about what you are doing, they want to bring you down to their level so they don’t feel like a lesser being than you are. It’s unfortunate, but humans are known for this sometimes. The trick is to stay strong. Maintain your strength. Develop a Teflon attitude and don’t let these jabs from others stick. If they stick, next thing you know they are sinking in. If they sink in, next thing you know you are drained by it. Is this fair to you? No. It is not. You have a right to live as strong and as high as you can. Don’t let petty people bring you down. Be strong in the face of adversity. Don’t let their problems become yours. Live as big as you are meant to. Stay strong.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

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Who is the High Priestess of Tarot?

Who is The High Priestess of Tarot?

The Priestess card- Fool's Path Tarot
The Priestess card- Fool’s Path Tarot

The High Priestess has the unique and enviable ability to be far-seeing and wide-seeing. She can see beyond the mundacity of a situation that an average mundane person will fixate on and see the situation and the concern holistically, seeing both the pettiness and the importance of whatever is going on. Where others stop seeing, the High Priestess is only just adjusting her vision. She has no concern for the ego and operates completely outside of the paradigm that it creates. The ego builds too many walls, and the High Priestess has no use for such things. The ego sets limits, but the High Priestess is limitless. The High Priestess may tell you things that you do not want to hear, but that does not mean you don’t need to hear it. Listen to the voice of the high Priestess. She will always tell you what you need to hear. Quiet your ego so she does not have to scream to be heard. She will speak no matter what. Can you hear her? Will you listen to what she says? She does not care one way or the other what you want to hear. Her job is to tell you what is pertinent and what is necessary.

The Voyager Tarot Priestess Card
The Voyager Tarot Priestess Card

Consider the High Priestess as a voice in your head. Consider her a being whispering in your ear. To listen or not to listen is completely up to you. To listen is to be granted wisdom that will serve you well. To not listen is to deprive yourself of something that will benefit you greatly.

The High Priestess speaks the perfect, unfiltered truth. Her words may not always seem logical, but that does not mean they are irrelevant, for they are in fact, the most important words for you to hear.  Her words are the voice of the divine, and the divine knows. Listen to the High Priestess when she speaks. She has messages for you.

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The Magician of Tarot- Strength, Weakness, and Needs

The Magician of Tarot- Strength, Weakness, and Needs

The Fool's Path Tarot: Magician
The Fool’s Path Tarot: Magician

Consider each card of tarot to represent a piece of who you are. When you do this, you gain a deep understanding of yourself and others. Ask also, how does each card represent a strength of mine? A weakness? A need? What are my Magician Archetype strengths, weaknesses, and needs?

Strength- The strength of the Magician is in finding what is good and positive, and using your thoughts and your attitudes to draw more of that to you and the situation. The strength of the Magician is in maintaining a positive attitude and absorbing positive energy into your being so that it will ripple outward and be felt and appreciated by others. The strength of the Magician is in being able to see holistically and being aware of what is missing, for by knowing what is missing, the magician knows what is needed, and can then manifest it.

Voyager Tarot Magician
Voyager Tarot Magician

Weakness– The weakness of the magician is in creating excuses and weaknesses rather than positive situations and affirmative thoughts and attitudes. Like attracts like, and that which you create will draw more of the same to your life. When you are positive, you create positive and positive things come to you. When you are negative, you create negative, and negative things come to you. So to be stuck in a negative mindset is to constantly draw negative to yourself. What you draw to yourself becomes part of your general makeup. This radiates from you and ripples outward to others. Do you really want to be a source of negativity?

Needs- The needs of the Magician is the need to sort through all the energy you have stored within you, and eliminating what does not serve you while keeping what does. Doing this too with a situation. Take a look at the situation and ascertain what is working, eliminate or change what is not. Do not continue in a destructive manner simply because that is how it has always been done. See where changes are necessary and possible, and be fearless in making changes.

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The Fool of Tarot- Strength, Weakness, and Needs

The Fool of Tarot- Strength, Weakness, and Needs

The Fool Tarot Card: 007 Tarot Deck

Consider each card of tarot to represent a piece of who you are. When you do this, you gain a deep understanding of yourself and others. Ask also, how does each card represent a strength of mine? A weakness? A need? What are my Fool Archetype strengths, weaknesses, and needs?

Strength–  The strength of the Fool is in the ability to throw caution to the wind and proceed without worry. The strength of the fool is in knowing that no matter what, things are going to turn out just fine. Maybe things will turn out as they expect it to, or maybe it will turn out some other way. What’s the difference? Either way, it will turn out as it is meant to, so how bad could it be? The strength of the Fool is in just being; just being happy, just being content, just being satisfied. All is well with the Fool. The Strength of the fool is the ability to not focus on what is negative, but rather the ability to turn anything around to be positive and strong. The strength of the Fool is in the ability to have faith in one’s self even when times seem tough. The strength of the Fool is the ability to get through it, whatever “it” is. The strength of the Fool is to not give up, ever, to keep on keeping on without the worry of how things will end up right and good, only that they will.

foolWeakness- The weakness of the Fool is in being too impulsive and not sticking with something. The weakness of the Fool is in being too quick to give up.  The weakness of the Fool is in jumping into something even though you know it is not the best thing for you and not thinking through the potential consequences of a situation or of your actions. The weakness of the Fool is in being unwilling to try something new or getting stuck in beliefs that do not serve you. The weakness of the Fool is in being unwilling to break away from a mindset  or being stubborn.

Needs- The need to break away from stagnation. The need for movement. The need for something new and a new adventure. The need to fill your soul with something new. The need to break free of restrictions and have the chance to sink or swim on your own. The need to break away from what is familiar to you and learn about yourself. The need for self-exploration and understanding.

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The Hierophant: The Power of Knowledge

The Fool's Path Tarot Hierophant
The Fool’s Path Tarot Hierophant

The Hierophant Tarot Card: The Keeper of Knowledge

There is power in knowledge. There is power in wisdom as well. We each possess both based on our individual life paths, experiences, and expectations. To be a Hierophant means to be truly aware of what these things mean to us as individuals. To be acutely aware of what you know and what you can do with what you know is to live a fulfilled life, and as such, others will notice this.

Others will notice and they will tap into your knowledge and wisdom for their own personal needs and growth as they come to you for answers. As a keeper of this knowledge and power, you are in a unique position to shape the lives of others. Take this seriously. Honor those who ask of you the lessons of life by giving them serious and well articulated answers. Consider this today as you are looked to as the wise guru of your family, community, school, office, carpool, or wherever.

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What’s Tarot Got to do with It? Walking the Fool’s Path….

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7 of Cups: Let Imagination Guide You

7 emotions copy

7 of Cups Tarot Card: Take a break from reality

Be guided by your imagination today.  Why not? Reality doesn’t always deliver what satisfies your soul. Take a break from reality and indulge the fantasy side of life. There is much to be gained by doing so. When you are in your imagination and away from the reality of life, you can explore what you truly want and truly need. Today is a good day to do this. Once you figure out what a perfect life is to you, then you can proceed to make it happen. How can you make it happen if you don’t know what it is? How can you know what it is if you don’t give yourself to explore this realm of the imagination?

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The Chariot: Freedom and Independence

The Fool's Path Chariot Card
The Fool’s Path Chariot Card

The Chariot Tarot Card: You Are Unrestricted

The power of the chariot is in the freedom and independence it brings. Today, embrace these. Not bound by the quirks, rules, and idiosyncrasies of others, you can fly by the gatekeepers of your dreams and ambitions to achieve what you yourself want to achieve and what you yourself find important. You are unrestricted and the limits others live by and try to place on you are seen for what they are- arbitrary and pointless. Do the limits others place on you contribute to your overall well-being, or do they keep the status-quo of the person who is imposing them? Crash through the gates. Always. Don’t let the gatekeepers hold you back.

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